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Intuitively designed for ease of use and streamlined for speed, The Edge delivers an elegant point of sale solution with the flexibility to fit your store’s needs.

It is essential that the Point of Sale interface be as comprehensive as necessary and as intuitive as possible. It can make or break a system. The real value of The Edge comes from its powerful management tools which rely on quality data. A well designed interface makes it easy for the sales team to interact with the system guaranteeing that data of the highest integrity makes its way to the analytic reports.

More Than Software, a Solution

Increase your bottomline with all the tools necessary to curate a balanced, profitable inventory.

Good inventory management is critical to the success of all retail operations. It is the single biggest cause of retail failure. Just like managing a stock portfolio, knowing which investments work, and eliminating those that do not, is paramount to success. The Edge is designed to help you curate a balanced inventory that will optimize sales for your marketplace.

Quick Return on Investment

Build and track customer relationships with features that allow you to promote brand awareness and garner customer loyalty.

Customers are easily as important to you as the inventory you carry. With that in mind, The Edge provides numerous features that help you maximize your relationship with them. Every activity that takes place in the software is maintained on the customers’ record. This information is invaluable for targeted marketing and maintaining good relationships with your clients.


Efficiently manage your store services and easily keep track of all aspects of jobs.

The way in which you manage services reflects upon the image your store projects. Well organized service management increases staff efficiency and leads to higher productivity as well as happy customers. All service jobs originate at Point of Sale and tools are available that allow you to track their flow through the store. Automatic notifications can be set up to text or e-mail a client when their service job is complete thus reducing the burden on staff. Sales associates can advise customers on the exact status of their jobs with just a couple of mouse clicks.

Sharpen Your Edge

The Edge was designed with the flexibility to embrace multi-store environments from the very start. It features a robust transfer system that can maintain synchronization across two or more stores. It also features a lot of other benefits to round out the software including website integrations, QuickBooks support, integrated payment support, and carefully selected value-added partners designed to increase your bottom line through effective marketing, warranty programs, and reputation management. The Edge delivers a total management solution utilizing the latest technology.

Be the Best Business You Can Be

A full suite of reports provides a wealth of information including daily operations, customer & marketing effectiveness, inventory performance analysis, and much more.

One of the biggest strengths of The Edge are its robust reports designed to give you valuable eye-opening insight into the performance of your store. It can help you identify where your sales are coming from, both in terms of customers as well as what vendor’s merchandise is selling. It is not unusual for a store to discover that 20% of their customers make up 80% of their sales and, just as telling, those sales come primarily from a handful of vendors. Measuring your inventory is the first step in optimizing it for your marketplace, and to this end The Edge provides actionable reports along with the Buying Tools to capitalize on them.